Showing Some Vagina Love

Yesterday was will go down in history as a pretty freaking awesome day in America! Yesterday a woman was projected as the Vice President elect of the United States of America! A beautiful woman of color is our new Vice President elect and I couldn’t be more excited! Women are absolutely amazing creatures! So… as we celebrate the projected winners of the Presidential election, one that is fantastically historic, I thought now would also be a great time to celebrate something that definitely doesn’t get enough love, the vagina. Here are just a few reasons you should love your vagina.

-Your vagina is a self cleaning organ. Vaginas have their own unique smells and do not need your help on “making it better”. You don’t have to douche (this is DEFINITELY not recommend as it could mess up your pH balance and cause more problems than “solutions”), you don’t have to spray all this different perfumes or deodorants “down there”, or much of anything at all.

-Your vagina can stretch out wide enough to allow a whole human to pass through. Something the size of a lemon stretches enough to push out something the size of a watermelon AND go back to its original size. Your vagina is made of elastic tissue and can be prepared to a rubber band.

-Your vagina can let you know what time of the month it is with absolutely no help from you. This is why I talk so much about getting to know your body and how important it is to be in tune with your body. When you are in tune with your body, you’re better able to tell when you’re ovulating, when it’s time for your menstrual cycle, when you’re pregnant, etc.

-Your vagina is unique. It does not look, smell, or taste like anyone else’s vagina. Your vagina is beautiful. Your vagina is the way it should be. Your vagina is absolutely perfect for you. Love your vagina and take good care of it so that it can take good care of you.

Author: KinaC

Shakina is a beautiful mom of two handsome little men, blogger, graduate of the University of Mississippi with a degree in English. She is a motivational speaker, relationship and sexuality coach. She aims to change people's outlook on love and relationships, to help more people find their "happily ever after".

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